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Ching Ming nostalgic, cherish the memory of ancestors! Make Qingming more "Qingming"

This year is a special year. During the anti-epidemic stage, we ushered in a traditional cultural festival in our country - Qingming Festival.

Qingming Festival is a traditional major spring festival. It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times. It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times. It is not only conducive to promoting filial piety and kinship, awakening the common memory of the family, but also promoting the cohesion and identity of family members and even the nation.

Now when the new crown virus epidemic is raging, it is the most critical and important period for epidemic prevention. During the Qingming Festival, everything is kept simple, no gatherings, no gatherings, everyone protects themselves, the feelings and friendship between relatives and friends, It will not fade due to this period of isolation, and we will meet again after the epidemic is over. Have a civilized, healthy and meaningful Qingming Festival.

Peach and plum laugh at Qingming Festival,

Noda Arazuka was only sad.

Thunder shocked the world, dragon and snake sting,

The grass and trees in the suburbs of Yuzu are soft.

- "Qingming"

Together with hope, embrace warmth,

Live up to the spring, live up to your dreams.

May all things be renewed and the smoke of gunpowder disappear when spring returns to the earth.

There is not a winter insurmountable,

Not a single spring will not come!

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